We are living in challenging times.  The storm clouds have not only gathered, but are hanging heavily over our heads, as the fallout from Brexit becomes clearer by the moment.  At first it seemed a wonderful bid for freedom, and now, it seems like a lemming-like jump over a financial and social cliff.

This means everything that we have taken for granted till now is now in question.  As the bad news gathers, nationally, and we hear the UK being talked about in uncomfortable terms from abroad, it is understandable that you might be feeling very anxious.

The level of shock and insecurity which we are now experiencing, in terms of finance, jobs, allegiance, can touch very deep levels within us.  It can remind us of earlier times, when parents divorced, or we had serious illnesses or life-threatening events, neighbourhood  or family disputes or wars.  The overall uncertainty provokes the usual ‘fight or flight’ survival reactions, psychologically-speaking, and many of us might be looking now to where we can escape to.

The biggest challenge is to find calm in the midst of chaos.  And the only place to turn to is yourself.  Although the grey clouds are hanging overhead, lowering at us, threatening rain, hail and worse, you need to find strength within to withstand the onslaught.  This means finding your balance, and not getting sucked into the ‘catastrophising’ that is going on.

This doesn’t mean the situation is not bad – it is – but it does mean finding a centre to hold on to, within yourself, whilst the storm rages.  You don’t need to hang onto something outside yourself, but you do need to find something strong within, to hold firm.

Take a look again at the black sky:  there are glimmers of light, there are cracks, there is always hope.  Change is always challenging, scary even, but it can bring about something better.  Once the political dust settles, it can mean we have a more open, more honest society, where people say the things that are really bothering them – and we do something about it, collectively.

It also means that change is possible.  So accept this situation is making you anxious, and then do something to help yourself deal with it.  You need to see the sun beyond the clouds, the light behind the dark.  You need to decide, for yourself, what you are going to do about this situation – not out of reaction, but out of self-preservation.  There may be opportunities arising from this crisis, and you need to see them, and seize them.  Talk to your neighbours, your family, your friends.

Meanwhile, practice being mindful.  Look to what is good in your life, and notice what you have.  Maybe we will finally value what we have had within the EU rather than complain all the time?  And maybe it is not too late to rectify the situation – we don’t have to accept what has happened, and we might even amend it?  We are not yet at the end.

Take power.

Seeing the glass is half full has never been so vital, as it is right now.